Necklace from olivewood ON-62 UNDERSTANDING



dimensions 1,8cmX1,2cm  3 aspects  3 faces

Bead from olivewood tied up on leather, is turning, has two sides.

The eagle makes 2 different persons. When it goes up make a face that I call, «spirit of the eagle» (the eagle with his wings makes the eyes and with his tail the nose).

Turning upside down (the eagle comes down) another face is developed (an angel) visible only from the certain angle. Has common eyes with the “spirit”- they realize with the same way the reality- his nose is the head of the eagle). It symbolizes the pray and his answer. The eagle sends the pray high up and coming down, brings the answer (symbolize the angel that look at you continuously, protects you).

There is another face that it has common mouth with the spirit (they say the same things, they agree), sees the things however from other angle. It symbolizes the broadness of spirit, the comprehension and search of superior (looks high up to the eagle).

The other side has the 8 rays sun is preserving life. It gives to all, without examine colour or conduct, the light, the day, the warmth, the conditions for the continuation of life on Earth. Symbolize the love, the expedient without exchange, the generosity, the inspiration, the male.


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